In this lesson I will show you how to write and call a function in order to   simplify the structure of any program.

Creating a function:

A function in C++, a function is a group of statements that is given a name, and which can be called from some point of the program. The most common syntax to define a function is:

Type name (parameter1, parameter2,) {statements}


type is the type of value returned by the function.

name is the identifier by which the function can be called.

parameters (as many as needed): Each parameter consists of a type followed by an identifier, with each parameter being separated from the next by a comma. Each parameter looks very much like a regular variable declaration (for example: Int x), and in fact acts within the function as a regular variable which is local to the function. The purpose of parameters is to allow passing arguments to the function from the location where it is called from.

Statements is the function’s body. It is a block of statements surrounded by braces { } that specify what the function actually does.


Types of functions:

System-Supplied Functions:

These are available to anyone who writes a C++ program. This saves the programmer’s time from writing own functions. They are completely debugged, efficient and always produce a precise output. The important contribution of the system-supplied functions is that they provide clarity to the program because they do not have to be redefined. It reduces the source code, which saves time of the programmer.

User-Supplied Functions:

C++ language allows additional functions besides the built-in functions called the user-defined function. It allows programmers to define their own functions. The programmer must code the logic of this type. In order to do so, a declaration is needed.

Calling a function:

While creating a C++ function, you give a definition of what the function has to do. To use a function, you will have to call or invoke that function.

When a program calls a function, program control is transferred to the called function. A called function performs defined task and when its return statement is executed or when its function-ending closing brace is reached, it returns program control back to the main program.

To call a function, you simply need to pass the required parameters along with function name, and if function returns a value, then you can store returned value.

This is an example of a code where I created a function and then I called it into my main.

//Function that calculates the area of a rectangle
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Declaration of what the function does
void area(){
int l=0, w=0;
cout<<"Please enter length and width: "<<endl;
cout<<"Length: ";cin>>l;
cout<<"Width: ";cin>>w;
cout<<"The area is: "<< l * w<<endl;

int main(){
cout<<"I will calculate the area of a rectangle"<<endl;
area();//Calling the function inside the execution of the program


And this is how the program runs:

functions execution

Any doubt please leave it in comments and I will be glad to answer.

-The admin.

CC BY 4.0 Creating C++ functions and calling them. by esaupreciado is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.