It’s over. It’s all over!! “Stress Free Bar” by Jason St. Peter. Link:

Redundant title is redundant. After much work, tears, sweat and a couple of sleep-deprivation sessions at the Biblioteca, we did it. Messily, and with two codes worth of work, but we did it. Montse had a lot of trouble simply getting the Magick++ library to cooperate with us and it just did not work in my computer. I really have to check it sometime… Anyway, the “good” code is the one titled Final Project.cpp, while the others are alternates with discrepancies (see Week #3). All we have left to do is wait for the reckoning to come.

Here’s the alternate (code for “sucky”) code:



Aaaand finally the good and final GitHub code link.

CC BY 4.0 Final Project: FINAL by Alan S. Olalla is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.