
Work… processing… more work… still processing.

So this final week we focused on getting the code to work… at least properly enough with the capacities of the Magick++ library in the working environment of Ubuntu. At this point we have our own code working correctly with the help of Magick++ functions. Due to that not being the nature of the assignment, we still have some ways to go, but have a second code ready for debugging using arrays and pointers.

Ubuntu was evil to work with, since it (selfishly) stopped every other thing running in the system and was very confusing at times. Once we figured those minor inconveniences we were settled, downloading CodeBlocks (i.e. me deleting it and re-installing it) in order to run the code in a debugging mode to help us see the mistakes. This also proved a challenge since our knowledge of CodeBlocks was limited to simple codes, and it was hard for us to make it cooperate, but it did, eventually.

CC BY 4.0 Final Project: Week 3 by Alan S. Olalla is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.