So we finally got the project complete!!!

After looking a lot of videos in YouTube and searching so hard on internet we found the way to convert the image into a scale so it could be smallest.

After doing the “hard part” we search on internet how to convert an image into gray. All this functions were made with arrays, rows and columns and it is hard to understand it all but if you look closely you will find that, first, the program count the number of pixels it has. Then, it change it the color of the pixels for the gray one. For the scale, it count the pixels and reduce it by the half by a grouping them.

The only problem was that it doesn’t work with .jpg images, only with .jpeg and we didn’t find out why 🙁

I’m exiting for doing this because I was so stressed with a lot of projects and take us a while to find the way of doing it. I need to say that I need to learn more functions and commands for improving my programing but I think I learned very well in this class, good job ken!!


GitHub code:

Luis Alfonso Duarte Palacios

Christian Orozco

CC BY 4.0 #FinalProject – #TC1017 by luisduartepalacios is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.