Mastery 8 – The Zen of Python

The Zen of Python is a collection of 19 software principles that influences the design of Python Programming Language, written in August 2004 by Tim Peters. The principle text is released into public domain.

Zen of Python is written as an informational entry number 20 in Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP), and can be found on the official Python website. It is also included as an Easter Egg in Python interpreter, which would be displayed by entering a statement import this



Mastery 9 – Basic types and their use in Python

Python has 6 different basic types of data:


1These are numbers that belong to all real numbers

Floating point numbers

2Real numbers with its decimals


3These are any kind of characters, letters, numbers, etc. They are in between quotation marks (” “)


This is an ordered set of  values with fixed number of elements, goes in parentheses.


5A set of values ordered without fixed number of elements, they are in square brackets


6Elements used to map keys to their assigned values. Their keys and values can be of any type

CC BY 4.0 #Masteries 8 y 9 by jsphsalazar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.