Hello this is that talks about using switch as a conditional. A switch sentence makes a variable to be tested to be equal against some values. Every value is named a case and the value is checked for every case.


The structure of a switch is…


Switch (the expression)


Case and constant expression: statement


[default : statement ]


When you make a switch statement make sure you are aware of:

       It is easier for the switch expression to work if it is an integer or an enumerated type.

       The number of cases is unlimited, each one has to be separated with the value they are compared to with a : .

       The constant and the expression compared have to be the same type.

       When a variable is equal to a case, the statements net to that case will execute until a break statement appears.

       A break the switch ends and the control jumps to the following line of the switch.



I found this diagram on http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/images/cpp_switch_statement.jpg that may explain better this process.

The behavior of a switch statement goes like this:


If s converted value matches the expression – Control is transferred to a statement following the label.


If none of the constants match the ones on the case – Control is transferred to a default label.


If none of the constants match the constants in the case labels – Control is transferred to the statement after the switch statement.


I created this simple program as an example for the usage of a switch conditional. It evaluates the number introduced and says if you are an adult or not.


WATCH MY VIDEO https://youtu.be/-_8H_XSRJR8


CC BY 4.0 #Mastery17 – Use of “switch” as a conditional by Ricardo Newton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.