So this week we were not that productive for the project, we started searching for indications when we knew we had to install the Magick++ library; we happened to be around when a friend of ours was tryingt installying it on his laptop, and we also precensed how it failed on doing it. After this we decided to wait until the next class sesion and see if you could explain us something realted to it. After this we started searching on our own looking for instructions to follow and some theory to during the weekend and tomorrow start trying to get ready our interface in order to keep working on the project. In conclusion we can say that during this week we focused on understanding what we needed to do or how to start the project. Here are a couple of links that we found online to help us out, I guess we’ll keep posting about the project on Sudays since we’ll try to work on it during the hole week. Cheers

Luis D. Garcia and Samantha Rivera’s team.



CC BY 4.0 Project Post #1 by Luis Daniel García is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.