
Here is my answer about the quiz number 7:

I created a fibonacci function with the recursive solution. I called twice the same function inside the function to respect the mathematical formula and I didn’t forget to look for the special cases.

By the way: 0 and 1

The purpose of the other program is to create a function which calculate the distance between two points in 2D.

I applied the mathematical formula in creating four variables inside.

Don’t forget to import math at the beginning of your program in order to use « sqrt » method.

Have a nice day !

Capture d’écran 2015-10-18 à 14.10.33 Capture d’écran 2015-10-18 à 14.11.21

CC BY 4.0 Quiz #7 #TC101 by aureliemartinette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.