#Quiz08 #Tc1017 #programming #cpp

So this time we need to do a program that would sum the squares of the x quantity of numbers given by the users… It was a bit harder than the others quizes ( plus week of partials and the first general rehersal of the Ensamble show of this semester)  I taked several days to find out how to do it….(obviously not the 24hrs of the days) but i did it!!! here it is the link for my program and a pretty photo of Concierto Ensamble Queen: WWRY II of last year 🙂

quiz 8:


beep beep boop!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1517512_720982091319164_8646189497399753814_n

CC BY 4.0 Quiz 8!! by boshe189 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.