
Here is my program to create a dot product function, I used two lists.

In all of my program, I start to create my function in first. I write the exception, then the main important loop which contain the calcul.

Second step:

I write two lists empty because you don’t know yet that the user will give us.

I ask to the user a string which will contain the number inside. The delimiter will be a coma.

Then I spare the values given with the split list method.

After I can convert each string value in integer thanks to a for loop.

At the end, I can called my function dot product and display the result.

Have a nice day !

Capture d’écran 2015-10-23 à 19.38.07

CC BY 4.0 Quiz #8 #TC101 by aureliemartinette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.