Hello! this have been the most difficult wsq since I started the course. I tried searching in differets web sites but I couldn’t find anything useful the one that only helped me a little bit was http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdlib/rand/ but how I actually did it was with a blog from one of my classmates at http://kenscourses.com/tc101fall2015/tag/wsq06/ the error that I couldn’t figure it at was stand(time(NULL)) because if you don’t do that the program will just give you the same number over and over again. Something new was the loops those are a little difficult to undestarnd but you just have to go slow and read what you are telling the computer to do, and very important do not miss the {} those are really important because I was missing one and I spend 10 min looking were if should be… here is my code if you have any questionCaptura de pantalla 2015-09-14 a la(s) 09.01.39 Captura de pantalla 2015-09-14 a la(s) 09.01.49

CC BY 4.0 Random number! by andresvaldi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.