This WSQ is pretty easy to do, you just have to follow this simple instructions: 

-Open your computer

-Open any browser, except internet explorer

-Go to the page of the course and look for the WSQ02

-Make some popcorns

-Eat all the popcorns

-Make some more

-Stop procastinating and WATCH THE VIDEO!!!

-Go to your the blog, make a post and copy-paste this instructions

-Now you may continue with your life

WELL, let´s get serious (like the JOKER, JA!, YOU GET IT???), the video of this homework is about the flipped lessons and how they work, and all I could understood from it, was that some teachers (like KEN) are sick of just standing in front of the class and talking for 90 min, believe or not THEY HAVE FEELINGS, THEY ARE HUMANS JUST LIKE YOU!!!!, so they want to have fun with their students, so they invented this thing call “Flipped learning” where they don´t give you any stupid homework and you actually work in the class, and I agree to this type of learning.

If you didn´t understand my explination of Flipped Learning you can watch this image below that represents a flipped class.

(JA, “FLIPPED LEARNING”, JA!!!!!!!, hope you got it)



CC BY 4.0 WSQ02 by Miguel Angel Cardenas Ortega is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.