Flipped Classroom

  • Okay so.. a flipped learning.. sounds like something we can do in “the future”, like something out of our time… but it is real and it is happening, teachers or the school give their students a video or a topic to learn by themselves and then in class you work on it and ask for questions. I think this kind of courses or classes are a cool way of seeing education but I am not so sure if it would work for “us” (students in México) now because we (I know I am generalizing I´m sorry) dont have the sense of “studing for ourselves”  and I am not so sure if it would work for everybody…. personally i like better the old scholl teaching method, i feel that in that way I learn better.
  • Changes for it to happend… change our lazy culture… and actually study before the class so the flipped learning works.
  • A super cool video about Flipped Learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a7NbUIr_iQ
That looks awesome!!

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ02 by Samantha Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.