Fun with Numbers!

Feliz con nuestros platos nuevos
Feliz con nuestros platos nuevos

“Plato claimed that numbers exist in some mind-independent abstract heaven. Nominalists claim that there is no such heaven. Clearly, we can’t see, hear, taste or feel numbers. But if there are no numbers what is mathematics all about? “ (Rosen, 2006)

Oh numbers! Making our life beautiful since their invention. Actually, what would be of us engineers without numbers? Probably we wouldn´t exist. Whatever, we are not really interested in that right now… This post isn´t about numbers philosophy (in the reference section at the bottom you can found a link to for further discussion about that) but rather this post is about my WSQ “Fun with numbers”.

Tequila's root
Tequila’s root CC licensed photo by krembo1 on Flickr.

First of all, I received help. I admit it. The one who helped me is a biomedical engineering student from third semester. He helped me to figure some simple syntax stuff such as “cout<<name_of_variable” to output a variable and those kind things. Actually… I’m sure I could have figured it out by myself but this guy’s help saved me a half an hour of google research and reading c++ blogs.

So here is my code, I attached a picture because I still don´t know how to use GitHub but I promise I’ll update this sooner or later before the end of the semester.

Fun with numbers code.


Rosen, G. (2006, March 14). What are numbers? Retrieved from

CC BY 4.0 WSQ03 by Octavio Rojas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.