For this WSQ it was useful to read through some Python 3 programming examples.

Here comes my code:

num1 = float( input( "Give me a number! "))
num2 = float( input( "Give me another number! ")) 

sum = num1 + num2 
print("The sum of both numbers is", sum) 

diff = num1 - num2 
print("The difference of both numbers is", diff) 

prod = num1 * num2 
print("The product of both numbers is", prod) 

div = num1 // num2 
print("The integer based division of both numbers gives", div) 

rem = num1 % num2 
print("The remainder of integer division is", rem)

CC BY 4.0 WSQ03 – Fun with Numbers by finntec is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.