OK, now for this homework, you have to go to my profile and read everything I write about me, if you have anything in common with me, I would like you to comment about our common interests, so we can know each other better and start a beatiful friendship (Just Kiding).

Be sure you read my new profile, if you,re to lazy to look for it, I will copy it down here:

Hello, my name is Miguel Angel Cardenas Ortega, and I’m form Guadalajara, Mexico.

I’m a HUGE fan of everything that has to do with superheroes, I love batman, the joker, iron man and all the marvel films, talking about films my favourite hobbie is watching movies, I like action and cience fiction movies.

My favourite three movies are Watchmen, The dark knight and V for vendetta, and my favourite director is Christopher Nolan knwon for making the dark knight trilogy, inception, memento, the prestige, interetellar, etc…

Currently I’m studying in Tec de Monterrey campu GDA, I’m studying for engineer in mechatronics. I choose this career because I like the technology, the electronics and I really enjoy programming, also because I like the idea of making my own robot someday in the future. So I`m pretty positive about my choice.

I’m a huge fan of the game of thrones series and also from the books “A song of ice and fire”, so we could say that my favourite author is George R. R. Martin.

Drogon says GOODBYE!!!



CC BY 4.0 WSQ04 by Miguel Angel Cardenas Ortega is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.