Well as you well know, my name is Ever Ibarra Almaral and I´m studying Mechatronics engineering in Tec de Monterrey. I made this choice because I want to create something that last, I want to trascend in time and become a great engineer in order to change my country.

I´m positive because it´s one of my goals…and I dont give up on my dreams and hopes easily, I think we should have a direction in our lives.

My all life hero would be Batman. I´ve been watching the series and movies of Batman since I was five and I started to read the comics when I was ten…so yeah Batman is cool.

I like to run and ride my bike in my free time, but I usually practice Tae Kwon Do on tuesdays and thursdays.

My favourite author would be Julio Verne, I mean that guy was insane…just imagine the creativity to write its books about events and machines that happened several years later after his death. Julio verne is a great author, I loved 20 thousand leagues under the sea so bad!! that I read it like four times.





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