“This is all about you.”


Yeah, so this is a blog post about me, i’ll shortly describe myself, my hobbies, what i study and why.

First of all, i’m currently studying Electronics in Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, i’ve always liked electronic stuff such as smartphones, computers, and such; besides there are many companies like Intel, Oracle which are top-tier on Computer Science and Electronics, also there’s a lot of chance of working there since we are actually 30 students on the career and companies usually ask for even more employees than that.

I believe i’ll become my own hero in a few more years, but actually i do admire my mom and dad a lot; both of them are almost over 50 years old and they have always inspired me, they taught me everything i know, i am the way i am because of their education, and they are making an effort to keep me in this University.

I don’t play any instrument, though i would like to learn how to play the bass or drums.

I graduated a Kung-Fu school 6 months ago, here’s the proof:

300690_102284756542217_2365927_nSorry about the bad quality, i’m the one in the upper left corner, that was one tough exam.

I don’t read that much so i don’t have a favorite author, let’s say i like kinda weird books like this one.

And about music taste i like a lot of genres, 70s, 80s, Indie Rock, EDM, Hip-Hop, Soul, etc.

On my free time i usually play League Of Legends, Hearthstone, browse Reddit, or do homework.

Anyway, here’s one of my creepiest pictures, enjoy:


CC BY 4.0 WSQ04| by chozacastro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.