a(Credit goes to http://9gag.com/gag/2687338)

For this assigment I had to convert  Fahrenheit to Celsius. So first,  I chose a number (which was 57, I don’t know why), and then I started to write the code in Atom.

As you can see in the next image:


I didn’t had a lot of trouble in this WSQ like in the others because I’ve been using the knowledge I’vd learned from the past few assigments. However, at first I used an integrer, so the result rounded. Also I forgot to write a conditional.


Finally, I decided to use a floating -point and read the chapter #4 of the book “How to think like a computer scientist” about conditionals.

So this was my final result:


Link to my code:


CC BY 4.0 WSQ05 – TEMPERATURE by Ana Gloria Angulo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.