VECTORS, that is what we did this time, but to understand what is a vector let me give you de definition.

A vector is a set of values where each value is identified by a number (Downey,2012). What created a vector of ten values that we asked the user we calculated the total, the standard deviation and the average of that list of values(vector). For the standard deviation I used a loop for getting the first part of the formula that is the summatory of the  average minus each one of the values and the power of each value  then the square of the summatory. For the average I just sum up all the values and divided all by ten. Here is my code at github if you have any question also here is how the displays look and if you have any question about the teory you could go to they have nice vídeos from Bill Weinman. Have a nice one!

Captura de pantalla 2015-10-18 a la(s) 11.47.43

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