This one was really difficult so I start searching for help but I couldn’t find it. I decided to search the blogs of other people to see how they did it and I found one, in the post it said that we should watch ken’s video of bigintegers and I did. after that it was easier to do.

#include <iostream>
#include “BigIntegerLibrary.hh”
using namespace std;
int arr;
int ab;
int nat=0;
int non=0;
int ly=0;
BigInteger rev;
BigInteger num;

BigInteger reverse(BigInteger valid){
BigInteger invalid= 0;
while (valid != 0){
invalid= invalid*10 + valid % 10;
valid= valid/10;
return invalid;

void palindrome(BigInteger n, BigInteger r){
if(n == r){
nat = nat+1;
else {
int rep= 0;
BigInteger a= n;
while (a!=r && rep < 30){
r= reverse(a);
rep= rep+1;
if (rep == 30){
cout << “Este es un numero Lynchrel: ” << n << endl;
ly= ly+1;
else {

int main (){
cout << “Vamos a buscar cuantos numeros Lynchrel hay.” << endl;
cout <<” Introduzca el límite inferior: “;
cin >> ab;
cout << “Introduzca el límite superior: “;
cin >> arr;
num = ab;
while(num <= arr){
rev= reverse(num);
palindrome(num, rev);
num = num + 1;

cout << “Los numeros estan entre: ” << ab << ” y ” << arr << endl;
cout << ” Cantidad de palindromos naturales : ” << nat << endl;
cout << ” Cantidad de numeros no Lycherel: ” << non << endl;
cout << “Cantidad de numeros Lychrel: ” << ly << endl;

return 0;


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