Hello this is – Scilab the last WSQ of the course. I had to download a special version beacause of my operating system, which also required the Java 6 download. I also had some issues with the privacy settings on my laptop but anyway now it is all done.


The scilab program has many functions that can be useful for any subject for example, it can do the work of a basic calculator with the use of functions. For this, you have to be very careful with the syntax. Here is a photo of some testing I did.


Also, Scilab can be used for working with graphics and other stuff like that

The most important part for this course, is that you can also be working with some programming. Like using loops, for, while and stuff like that. This program can be useful for this and many other courses troughout our studies, so it is important to know a little about it.

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ17 – Scilab by Ricardo Newton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.