-Why are you studying the degree you chose ?

Im studying this degree because I like electronic and is a complete career an with a big challenge in my life.

-Are you a positive that you made the right choice?

Absolutely yes because the things im going to learn is what I expect from this career,

-Who is your hero?

My hero is my father who help me in every problem that I have in my life.

-Do you play a sport or musical instrument?

I actually play soccer and some tennis but my favorite sport is soccer, I only play with my friends for fun.

-Who is your favorite author?

My favorite author is Paulo Coelho, because I read some of his books, they are interesting, also every book have good teaching.

CC BY 4.0 #WSQs04 #TC1017 by victor hugo fernandez angel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.