Introduction To My Blog

Hello to everyone. Its nice that you came and gave some of your valuable time to check out my blog. What can someone expect of this? Well I’m starting this blog to have a place to write about my progress as a computer science student, show what things I’ve learned along the way and what that new knowledge meant to me and how I apply it on my projects and school.

This blog started because is the requirement of my class called “Software Quality and Testing” but I’ll try to write about other topics that I’ve learned by myself or my thoughts on some areas, I want to show what difficulties I’ve encountered, which thing called my attention and changed the way I work. I can’t promise anything but if I really believe in one of my favorite rules is that I have to look to be a person that is 1% better than I was the other day, and that is mainly what I will try to show.

With that out of the way I want to point some important points that this blog will have to be a little unique and truthful to me.

  1. I’ll try to show in what ways I got better and it which ways I still need to practice
  2. The blogs will be short, no need to drag things.
  3. The blogs won’t try to make me look like a beast of a programmer, the most productive person ever or even someone that has everything together. I want the blogs to be real and hopefully relatable

Thanks for reading.