Postmortem – week 7

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College

Getting back in track. This week was a bit more slow but this time we are starting to look at where the development is leading. We integrated the web client side of the application to our Kubernetes cluster. It has a bit of a issue right now but it shouldn’t be hard to fix. By next week I think we should be able to see all modules working together from one system.

Premortem week 7 – Further development

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College


Photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash

Right now, because there’s not much stuff to going on and exams are over I feel like this week could potentially be a really productive one in the project. Overall I think that meeting and discussing the most important implementations would be a must and I will keep working in the small issues there was with the web client.

Postmortem week 6 – Slow slow week, onwards and upwards

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College

Since I was out of town I sadly couldn’t get to work in the project as much as I wanted too but I had already taken that into account when the semester started. I did make the docker file so that the others could implement the web client with the other stuff that they have been working on. It was a slow week for me but I plan on putting more work into it starting monday.

Premortem week 4 – Stepping up the game

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College


Photo by Freddy Marschall on Unsplash

So since I get distracted all the time I forgot to post my postmortem yesterday so I’ll do a quick run down of last week. We presented, I made the data base connection, set up the create and visualization of the plants and it all went groovy. For this week I plan on researching about websockets and making the connection with the others work. Today I already implemented tests for page requests using Chai.

Postmortem week 2 – First time implementations

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College


Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

For this week I didn’t quite achieved what I wanted, but before I go on into what I didn’t get to do I’ll go on and talk about what I did. First of all I already sketched out the view of the user interface and it will be a very simple interface to add plants and just visualize the data. Its quite simple. Something that I encountered is that I need to start thinking about the way the app will be getting the information from the plant. Whether it’ll be by consulting with the data base or making a request to the other API that is being implemented. I considered the idea of WebSockets because I have used them already but in another framework, so I would have to investigate about them, which again, takes time. The API structure is already implemented now we need to define which methods will it manage, and that’s pretty much what went down this week.


Now, what didn’t go down this week. As I said before I’ve had a bit of experience with react, but only building simple apps, like a comment section or something that doesn’t have that many components. During this project I ran into some troubles when implementing React, most specifically the materia-ui components. I’m still experimenting with this but if I don’t get to feel comfortable by Wednesday of next week I’ll have to scrap react and implement a normal html, css setup. I hope it doesn’t come to that but its about time the main structure is fully ready to start researching different methods of texting for user interfaces.

Premortem week 2 – Yet another web app, but this time with a twist

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College

So, as I mentioned in the last post I will be working in the web app of the project in order to have a user interface. In the past, I’ve used a few frameworks to create web apps. Mainly but recently I’ve moved towards Node.js and the different packages you can use with. With that said I’ve been reading and practicing a bit of React. Therefore I think that for the web app we will implement a Node.js web app using React, specifically material ui which implements the Google Material Design as React modules.

For this week I would like to have planned out the design for the different views the app will have. Possibly, also have an idea of how to connect to the API being developed to get the data from the plant sensors. Also, I think I can have a the base React project up and running, and upload it to the GitHub repository.

The beginning of Berry House – Postmortem Week 1

--Originally published at TC3045 – Alejandro Güereca and College

Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

For my first semesters I’ve participated in a few projects which in my opinion didn’t really portray a great challenge to me as a coder or overall a software engineer in the making. However, ever since last semester I’ve started to set my bar higher in every big assignment that I have. This semester I intend to keep this mind set. With that set, for this course I became part of a group that from working previously with them I know they can create a very good product.

Together we came up with the idea of creating Berry House. An application in order to get information of plants growing in greenhouses. When we first started to detail the project we started to especify what different parts are going to be implemented in order to make the software work properly. In the hardware part, we will use two Rasberry Pi, and various sensors to retrieve information. We will also be implementing an API in order to get this information from the Rasberrry Pi, and lastly we will create a web app to serve as a user interface. Me, and my classmate and friend Lucia Velasco will be working on the web app specifically. We are still not sure what we will be using to add to create tests for the application. We are still researching but the Mocha.js framework seems like a strong candidate since we will use Node.js to build the application.

I am pretty excited for this project, because I have a very good team and a great project that is challenging in a few areas. I’m looking forward to giving my all to this project.

If you are more interested in the project the people involved in the are: