Week 10 Post-Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog


This week I saw some great advancements on our project. Alfonso, and I finished styling the code for the words counting functionality of the word cloud. The graphic stuff is going to be developed in the front-end; however, the basic functionality of distinguishing which words are most frequently used by candidates is already done. We used a library from Python named Counter to do this. The current output of our word cloud program is a list of words with their respective number of appearances.

This is what we are going to present on the sprint presentation on Tuesday because on Friday the classrooms where occupied, so the presentation was moved.

Be sure to hear of what the next steps are going to be.

Week 10 – Pre Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog


This week we have a deliverable on Friday. We need to show some advancements on our project, which I believe we already have so far. I hope to finish the word cloud functionality, and to begin integrating everything. To do this, we need to delete stop words from our analyzed data. Finally, we need to use a library that uses word, and word count.

Stay tuned, for the post mortem advancements.

Week 9 – Post Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog


It’s me again, and I didn’t sleep quite a lot for the past week. So, the previous blog post was about this week’s Taller Vertical, where Google, and Wizeline partnered to assign a task for us at Tec de Monterrey Guadalajara. The task was about doing a VR or AR experience, along with Animation degree students focusing on one of the UN’s SDGs. My team focused on SDG #1 – No Poverty.

My team, and I focused on  developing a VR, accessible, Android, short, interactive, film. Using Google VR, Google Cardboard initiative, Android SDK, and Unity we were able to do so. We developed an experience that takes the user into the people suffering from extreme poverty shoes. We used a Low Poly type of art, as we tried to represent what people in that condition live on their every day life basis in a more swallowable reality.

The result is visible on this Github repository. Feel free to check it out.



Week 9 – Pre Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

As I said on my previous blog post, this week is not about the elections project. Moreover, this week we are working with Google and Wizeline on a very intense week to develop a solution. What we are intended to do, is to create a VR or AR experience with whatever software, and hardware we want to use. Also, the only restriction is to work with an assigned UN’s SDG. My assigned SDG is #1 – No Poverty. We are working with Animators to develop this solution. Our idea so far, is to create a VR short interactive movie that involves the user as a person in a extreme poverty condition.

Stay tuned on what we develop at the end of this week.

Week 8 Post-Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog


This week I said I was going to work on eliminating stop words with Alfonso; however, I didn’t quite ended up doing that. What I did, was optimizing the code, to avoid repeating code. Henceforth, the code used for opening and reading a file into an array was made a static method accessible by all micro-services. This is a good practice to stop repeating unecessary lines of code.

Next week we will be having an intense work on Taller Vertical. I’ll update what I’ve done on the Taller Vertical, but I won’t be working on this project next week.


Week 8 – Pre Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

Howdy partners,

It’s me again with another update on what we will be working this week. Last week, I worked on mining all tweets from an account on Twitter. This week, I will be polishing what I did last week, and I will be working with Alfonso on eliminating the stop words of a tweet. Stop words are empty words that are filtered out from natural language processing, such as: the, is, at, which, and on.

By doing this, we will be able to create a more accurate words map without having a lot of concurrences of stop words and focusing just on the information that matters.

Stay tuned for the advancement of this week on the post mortem blog post.

Week 7 – Post Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

Howdy partner,

As you may have read, or maybe not, in the pre mortem blog for this week, I worked on being able to mine tweets from an account since the beginning of their time. I was able to do that by creating a loop in which 200 tweets were gathered using the API of Twitter. Also it is possible to specify the people that you want to gather tweets from by writing their user names in a txt file stored in the same location.

This time we want to gather all the tweets from @RicardoAnayaC , @lopezobrador_ , and @JoseAMeadeK to create a words map. This map will allow us to know which words are most used by the candidates to measure their popularities.

Stay tuned, for the next weeks’ progress


Week 7 – Pre-Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

This week we have a lot of stuff going on. First we will start mining data to actually have something to analyze. Also, we are implementing a function to mine all tweets that a person has tweeted since the beginning of their account. This is to gather all the tweets from the candidates and analyze them.

Stay tuned for the result of this data mining and of the function implementation.

Week 6: Post mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

This week we were able to read emojis in tweets, and separate user name from the tweet itself. By doing this, we avoid analyzing user names, and actually analyze the tweet itself. By reading emojis we can have a more accurate idea on what the person’s intention is. We can implement analysis in the text comparison to the emoji meaning. Henceforth, this week we could say that the preparations for the mining phase is over. We are now able to mine data of certain important people, of certain words, and to gather the complete data of these tweets.

For the upcoming partial, we are going to start mining data, and doing preparations for the analysis of this data. Moreover, we are going to eliminate stop words, and focus on what the tweet is actually trying to communicate. Henceforth, we are going to show a map of which words are most used, and who is actually winning this electoral campaign.

Week 6: Pre-Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

This week is all about joining forces. So many thing have beeen worked on separately, and its time to integrate everything into a first impression of our project. We can now focus on gathering and mining information to be ready for the next phase. The next phase is actually analyzing data, and displaying results of our application. However, that’s a topic for another day.

In the meantime, let’s wait to see how things are developing within our project. Stay tuned for this week’s post-mortem to know what’s going on.
