Week 3

--Originally published at Software engineering

Las tecnologías propuestas por mi team para el proyecto son:

  • Go
  • React/Redux.
  • Google Cloud/App Engine
  • Docker
  • Matlab
  • Python/SUMO

De las cuales sigo aprendiendo Go para cuando ya empezemos con el back-end, en cuanto a la arquitectura pensaban en algo de microservicios pero igual estamos viendo si otra arquitectura nos pudiera servir más.

Week2: Smart Cities

--Originally published at Software engineering

This week we decided in what technologies we were going to work, Since I am in the backend I started learning Go. I took a tutorial and it also helps a lot that I am taking Web lab in Go. So for this week it is good enough that I am already familiar with the language.

As you know, our project is a feature for MiBici. It will improve and analyze how and when the batteries must be change efficiently.