The more test, the merrier – Week 3

--Originally published at That Class Blog

2 weeks done, 13 to go!

DSC_6145 by Coldgunner (CC BY-NC-ND). From

We have some functionalities and a basic level working. The testing framework is there, and some functions to test too. Now the actual testing is only missing (Apart from everything else). It’s difficult and new, but I’m very confident I will get it to work.

That will be my main focus. But in general, some basic refactoring is going to be -already- made as well as more gameplay functionality.

Miguel Montoya
Esperanto enthusiast

The first stage of progress – Week 2

--Originally published at That Class Blog

Weapons Test
“Weapons Test” by Pascal (CC0 Public Domain). From

So this week in the It’s not raining project, a lot of non planned progress was done, apart of the individual first-contact with the framework and workspace.

In my case, as I talked about at the start of the week I wanted to get to know p5.js and Even though I didn’t make any kind of exercice or example with the last one, I did practice with, and everything I need to remeber of node and express to assign the routes of the server. It was fun, and interesting to make functions and equations that are really based in physics. To take into account mass, acceleration (gravity) and the drag coefficient certain liquids have. In my case I tried to simulate water and an oil.


When I finished my practice I was given notice that the truth is thatmostly nothing of p5.js was going to be of use to us (except of the basics). Now I say goodbye to my little exercice, as I delete it from our git repo.

Talking about GitHub. W started using it in a more complete and professional way. It’s not my first time working with multiple, especific, and useful branches (I know this is not the case for some members), but it’s the first time I start to make more descriptive commits and declaring project issues. That’s nice.

Currently, I took interest in the testing as is something that I haven’t done before.

I assigned myself a GitHub issue and started doing some research and implementing stuff. I found it interesting but difficult, as I really didn’t know what I’m supposed to do to achive certain tasks. It’s still dificcult. But at least I know the testing Continue reading "The first stage of progress – Week 2"

Week 2 Objectives: The start of something new

--Originally published at That Class Blog

Hold up just a second. Before doing anything at all, let’s think about where and how are we going to develop the project.

Original photo by Pal Sol (CC BY-NC-ND).

Let’s select a workspace and a framework before we developt anything.

We firstly need a GitHub repo and implement good practices of version control.
EDIT: The repo is up now!

Arturo did suggest p5.js. A library that has quite some functions for 2D graphics, including physics, liquids and particles. So I guess I will start practicing and getting to know p5.js. I want to play with physics!!!

Miguel Angel Montoya Zaragoza
Esperanto enthusiast

Is it raining? No! It’s not!

--Originally published at That Class Blog

I have a course team! And a brand new project that will defeat all previous projects!

What is this new project’s name, you ask?


It’s not raining

The names might be just a working title, it was kind of a joke

Original photo from Fabrizio Angius (CC BY-NC-ND)

And, like in the photo above, our project will not have not a single drop of rain.

What it will have is a fun browser-based game that will not use any kind of plug-in because if Adobe and Oracle don’t even care for the support for their products, why should we? (Well, in fact, even if they did, we wouldn’t use them. Nobody uses them now. Nobody wants to).

The game will, basically, be a platformer with timer and a number of obstacles and maybe enemies. The score will be stored in an online leaderboard. We talked about maybe doing some drag-n-drop technology so we could let the players design their levels, and then compete with their friends and stuff. They could even download a level to text translation and share it with their friends.

My partners for the development for this new project are:

Let’s hope everything goes well.

Miguel A. Montoya
Esperanto Enthusiast

So… Quality of Software – PreMortem

--Originally published at That Class Blog

YAY! A new course with Ken!
YAY! A new category for this kind of abandoned blog! I’m so bad at writing blogs. Well, at least now I’m using Grammarly, so at least I will write with less orthographic and grammar errors. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Side-note: I really do recommend installing Grammarly in your browser, especially if you aren’t a native English speaker and are trying to learn. Especially because, at least, I have discovered some little things that could improve my text and I didn’t notice before. Continuing…

So, like in the Security Class, I will try to write what do I think I know about Quality and Software Testing.

  • I know testing and Quality Assurance are processes, not just a thing that you can check at the end of the project. You have to monitor the development from the start.
  • I guess QA is more focused on error prevention and testing is involved in the evaluation of the project.
  • There are concepts for QA such as the bugs log (Or something like that), that is made at the start of the project. It records possible bugs and problems one might encounter and the how-to proceed. That is why I think QA is more focused on prevention.
  • Testing involves much more than simply checking if the code compiles or if it can run with the expected conditions/inputs. In fact, it’s quite an extensive process. So big that there are masters degrees in software testing.
  • I know I don’t know the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control. I fact, I think QC is more related to testing. But Again, I don’t know.

And that’s it. At least that’s what I think I know. As always, I might discover that I already knew some stuff but I didn’t connect the information with this

Continue reading "So… Quality of Software – PreMortem"