Week 15: Pre Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog

Some people say that time is money; however, I think that time is success.

The bad news is, time is running out. Teachers are actually being disrespectful and dropping more, and more homeworks while their projects are due in less than two weeks. Not much has changed from the previous blog post, but I am actually using this blog post as a stress reliever. Let’s hope my cards under my sleeve don’t run out.

Stay tuned for the next blog post, to see how this week developed.

Week 14

--Originally published at A project being made

Week 14 (April 24 – 29) is here and it is the last one we got. We finally made the connection with firebase, and I finally get it. Using a framework like Angular for a relatively small project is, in most cases, is barely unnecessary. But knowing that, this project was a great excuse to learn how to use this tools with its strengths and weaknesses. With no joke I take one whole afternoon trying to figure it how to implement the database, but my attempt hardly did what I needed. I use the template we used the first time, and then it worked.

David told me some advice for manipulate data in firebase, and make the project run the minimum indispensable.

Task for this week:

  • Test the product data by adding, removing and checking those changes in the platform
  • Help Sara with the demo video
  • Organize the blog entries categories and tags

Experiencias adquirido a lo largo del proyecto.

--Originally published at TC3045 – Tc1019 Germán T.

En el transcurso del proyecto he aprendido que, al entrar a un proyecto que ya lleva tiempo en desarrollo la curva d aprendizaje es mayor de la que pensaba, también que en ocasiones no entenderás en su totalidad lo que esta pasando en cierta parte del proyecto, pero no te preocupes solo dale tiempo pero continua esforzándote y por ultimo es no tener miedo a hacer preguntas, si preguntas la cantidad de tiempo necesaria para que puedas empezar a aportar en mucho menor.

semana 15

--Originally published at juanBlogs

en esta semana vamos a mover el botón de maps de la actividad, también cambiaremos el texto de sus botones para que sea mas entendible, también arreglamos, un bug referente a los marcadores del mapa, ademas de arreglar un bug que tenemos con los gifts que cambiamos, y hacer que estos aparezcan desde una base de datos, y no que este puestos fijamente en una actividad predeterminada.

Is it a good time to test?

--Originally published at A project being made

Now that the database is partially feeding some of the pages of our web-app it is time try to test if it is correctly working. Probably is late to do so, but I will try to do because I think is a good opportunity to learn how to integrate Firebase to this framework. I will have to research a little further so I hope I can get some conclusions on the next tuesday’s blog.

Week 14 – Post Mortem

--Originally published at TC3045 – Sagnelli's blog


So last blog post I talked about my Database course project. We are using MongoDB as our backend along with Flask. We think is easier to implement python code with Flask than using exec functions on Node. Also, the learning curve of Node is way more difficult than Flask’s. Therefore, Flask is the winning framework to use. We won’t be using any agile methodology, since we started the project way too late. We are using XP methodologies to finish on time.

Stay tuned for this project’s advancements.

End of week 12: Bouncing all over the place

--Originally published at TC3045 – Quality and Software Testing

“Bounces” flickr photo by David Goehring shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

This week, I created the fourth level which has a lot of those new obstacles we implemented last week. This level focuses on the use of the walls that makes the player to bounce; actually, almost everything is one of those obstacles. The actual purpose of this level is to make the player to get used to this type of object. It is actually kind of hard but also challenging because you have to avoid some enemies while bouncing around the level.