Day 4

--Originally published at It all starts here….

We’re almost done!!!!

Out of all the things we did today, Ken gave us excellent tools to make better and easier our lives, these ones go from one to create videos and the other one to find blogs of our interest to follow on wordpress, there’s an immense variety that could be of our interest; here are some of them:

Video editing:

Audio recording and editing:


Web development:

It’s really nice how we’re getting a lot of material that will help in any possible way probably in a future.

Visitors and Residents

--Originally published at It all starts here….

Presence is very important on the internet because just as in real life,  you will remember people depending on how they made you feel for a moment and not what they taught you.

A perfect example Autumn gave was, she showed a picture of her 3rd grade classmates and mentioned how she did not remember anything, not even what she learned in Science, but she remember the kids just for how they made her feel once when she was petite.

The key is if you want people to remember you, you must have an online presence apart of a face to face presence.

Talking about the social media used daily, I filled this chart and this is exactly what I use.


Laura Gogia & Lee Skallerup

--Originally published at It all starts here….

What should I write about and share?

Laura: It can be either weekly, its a matter of sharing what you read during the week and it can be short or long but once in a while you’ll take in account, how many important things you’ve learned in a certain amount of time and you weren’t even conscious of.

Lee: Most of the things shared is journal and it has a meaning because she had a connection with what she was doing. The connections with people’s ideas, writings, podcasts, gifs, reflect how she was feeling, what she learned, what she did.

Both have similar ideas which consist in posting whatever the heart wants but always taking care of their digital identity and the digital presence.


Laura Gogia Lee Skallerup



Photo Safari

--Originally published at It all starts here….

So today, part of my morning consisted in taking pictures of those little insignificant things that make up our daily lives. I wanted to share some of the things I really love, which are my eyelashes, the rain and accounting. Not quite sure if someone would feel the same but I guess that’s the coolest thing, how each one of us can feel one way and express it their own way.

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Also, just to make it clear, Ken taught us how to give credits while blogging, when using someone’s else pictures.



The sad part of all this activity, is that while walking I had $1000 pesos in my pocket and I LOST THEM.? #SadLife #NoMoreGoingOut

Digital Identity

--Originally published at It all starts here….

Have you ever thought about how dangerous it can be to post things on the internet of whatever we want, whenever we want?

It can sound a bit ridiculous but the chances of risking your life everyday, are high.

Today, Dave Cormier, told the whole audience how posts referring to leadership and positiveness are very important while expressing yourself on the internet in order to live a free cybernetic environment.

One as an individual must find things that fulfill us and that we love.

The only things we shall not upload are:
