Day 5

--Originally published at Juan Pablo Hallal

30 / September / 2016

On day 5 we had guest speaker Diego Zavala, in person, talking about how we could make different kinds of videos.

I made one with Javier Barragán of our music jam sessions in the studio.


Later on, we had guest speakers Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard talking about blogging and the fact of other peopople, and about digital literacy and practice.

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Rebecca J. Hogue

This was a great week full of learning, thanks to our mentor Ken Bauer.

Best things in life: Concerts

--Originally published at #NosotrosLosRaros

One of my favorite things in life is music. Music defines our personality, our mood and even what we believe in. A lot of people tell me that I’m crazy whenever I go to concerts, because I queue hours before it starts. Once I waited during 12 hours under the sun. The only answer I have is: When you have passion for something, nothing matters.

Day 4

--Originally published at Juan Pablo Hallal

29 / September / 2016

On Day 4 we started commenting on other blogs. We read about some modules that could be used as tools on our blogs.

We selected some photos and videos of what we like to do the most; so that we could use them for the session on Day 5 with Diego Zavala.

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Later, we had guest speaker Maha Bali talking about critical digital citizenship.

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Maha Bali

Day 3

--Originally published at Juan Pablo Hallal

28 / September / 2016

On day three we had guest speakers Autumm Caines, Bonnie Stewart and Sundi Richard, who talked about vistors and residents in social media.

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Autumm Caines


Each one of us made a Vistor/Resident scheme of the social media platforms that we use.Foto 28-09-16 12 13 13.jpg


Later on, I interviewed my friend Luis about how much he uses and gets involved in social media, how much of a visitor/resident he is.