Last of the week

--Originally published at Digital Identity

The End by aftab., on Flickr
The End” (CC BY-NC 2.0) by aftab.

So before getting into my final thoughts of the course I would like to thank the teacher that made this course posible, Ken Bauer. I quite enjoyed the whole experience, and I feel it actually made a difference on me. I also want to thank Dave Cormier, Laura GogiaLee Skallerup, Alan LevineAmy Burvall, Autumm Caines , Bonnie StewartSundi RichardMaha BaliDiego ZavalaRebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard for sharing their views on the subject at matter. I really appreciate that you took time of your day to talk with us. You helped build a really great experience, so thank you for that.

Now, into the reflection. The reason that I like this subject is because my digital identity has been cut into two since I started leaving stuff in the internet. Recently, I decided to continue on in the internet with only one persona. This course helped me notice what I really wanted, how to do it, and what would imply to me, and the people around me. It also made me think about stuff that never came across my mind. Like when Ken mentioned that it’s okay to use your laptop on your lap, because after all, it is called a LAPtop. That completely blew my mind. In a more serious note, the course made me notice how important it is to be aware of what is said or posted about you in the web. To a certain point I thought that keeping a different personas would make things all good, but in reality I don’t actually want that. I want for people to know who I am and make sure they know what my work is.

This course helped me decide that I want to keep blogging. I want to get my weird thoughts out there, because maybe someone will be able to get something out of it. It also helps me keeping myself as sane as I can. I’ve always loved writing. It’s even therapeutic. Now, I’ll just post a selective few and share it with others.

I will probable keep updating this blog ever so often, but there’s only so much that I can talk about the subject without just getting out of subject.

So, yeah. Thank you for reading.


Define where you are

--Originally published at Digital Identity

Sometimes you run into those days that they are just no good. As a quick introductory to this blog post I will start by saying that today has been a bit of that to me. First, the flu that I had for a while decided to kick in again. Second, I have no internet at home. Third, and final, the computer in which I usually work in has been updating for the past 2 hours. With that said this blog will most likely go up a little bit later than expected.

Anyways, let’s move into the actual topic of today’s discussion, which is digital interaction, and the effect of this in the physical world. Today in the course a conversation between a classmate, and our teacher Ken Bauer broke out. The classmate had the opinion that you should live in the moment, and that if you spent time in your phone you give of the idea that you’re being a little antisocial. Ken gave a completely opposite point of view in the matter. He explain that someone being in their phone doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t being social. They might be talking to someone else or giving an update of upcoming events. In this matter, I incline more to Ken’s point of view.

Something that technology has given us is a huge way of connectivity. There’s so many tool now to connect with people from all over the world that to a certain degree is unbelievable. Social media helps us to stay connected with people that are really far away. Personally, I still talk to a high school friend of mine that lives in New York, and we talk like we used to even when we lived relatively close to each other. It’s something beautiful, but like everything, there’s some bad sides.

The first bad side is that people abuse this. Yes. People abuse social media. A lot. It good to maintain an online interaction with people, but in certain cases it just gets ridiculous. I’ll give an example. Sometimes, when I’m playing with a friend of mine League of Legends I tell him to tell his brother to hope on, but he doesn’t get up, and goes to talk to his brother, no, he texts him to go online. Isn’t that too much? In my opinion, yeah. We need to learn how to responsibly use the tools that are provided to us.

The second one tackles a little bit of a cultural matter. Some people still have a bad view in modern technology. A great example can be found with my father. Now this is the second time that I mention him, but trust be, he sure is a character. My father loves technology. He’s always up to date, or at least tries to. However he is a little bit stubborn in his ways. Sometimes, he will strike into a conversation with my brother about digital interaction, because he tends to always be checking his phone to reply or talk to friends. My father has the idea that it’s more important to take in what is going on in your surroundings. Of course he knows that keeping up to date in an online environment is also important, but he does go more to the physical concept.

Now personally, I think it’s important to find a balance between real life, and digital life. What do you guys think? I’m really open to ideas about this subject.

La Voz de la Tecnología

--Originally published at The next step

La tecnología es un arma de doble filo que podemos utilizar en nuestra vida diaria, la mayoría de las personas la utilizamos para el bien, para cosas positivas, el problema reside en el mal uso que le dan otras personas. Primero que nada, debemos pensar , qué es lo que la tecnología nos dirija si pudiera hablar, la tecnología está a nuestra disposición y por sí sola no es buena ni mala, todo depende del uso que nosotros deseamos darle.

La grabación que está adjunta a este post resume de manera específica cómo hacerlo y para qué utilizarlo , así como el diagrama planteado por David White, la tecnología tiene diferentes usos y nosotros usándola tenemos diferentes perfiles. El personal, institucional,   y nuestros roles como visitantes o como nativos digitales.

La explicación está en el siguiente audio:

Identidad Real vs. Identidad Digital

--Originally published at The next step

Somos personas con muchas características, diversos, únicos. Es muy fácil definir a otras personas y describirlas, pero en lo que concierne a nosotros , nos resulta muy difícil definirnos a nosotros y más si la idea es hacerlo en sólo cinco palabras. En la actividad del taller Digital identity tuvimos la labor de definirnos en cinco palabras y hacer un “photo safari” sobre estas cinco palabras y hacer que se conviertan en parte del entorno que rodea el campus.

Considero que le verdadero desafío reside en que no nos conocemos a nosotros mismos,
tengamos un perfil psicológico así como un perfil que usamos en redes sociales. Nuestra identidad ,tanto la digital como la presencial son nuestras esencias personales. Claro que nosotros somos más allá de sólo cinco palabras pero recordemos que la premisa es tener en claro cuáles son las características que mas nos definen.

Las redes sociales nos han permitido crear estas facetas o pantallas fantásticas en las cuales podemos demandar literal pretender ser alguien que no somos. En este mundo de telecomunicaciones donde todo se obtiene rápido y es inmediato, no olvidemos de que nuestra esencia e identidad personal es la que más importa pues es la que somos, y no la identidad que creamos como sucede todo el tiempo con las redes sociales. fullsizerender-32


Consejos de seguridad en Internet

--Originally published at Identidad digital

Hoy en día en Internet forma parte nuestra vida cotidiana, ya sea en el trabajo, escuela o simplemente como medio de comunicación o entretenimiento. Es una herramienta que nos permite hablar con personas en otra parte del mundo, realizar compras, entre otras cosas y sobre todo es una gran fuente de conocimientos que están al alcance de cualquiera; sólo debes contar con un dispositivo electrónico y una red.

Desafortunadamente no todas las personas emplean esta herramienta de manera adecuada, es por eso que es importante proteger nuestra identidad. Es por eso que es importante tomar medidas para evitar los peligros que conlleva. A continuación se prestarán algunos consejos:

  • No publicar información que es muy importante para nosotros.
  • Evitar proporcionar información a cualquier sitio web.
  • No aceptar solicitudes de amistad de gente desconocida.
  • No utilizar la misma contraseña para todas nuestras cuentas.
  • Evitar navegar en páginas que no sean confiables.
  • Leer las políticas de privacidad antes de aceptarlas.
  • Al utilizar un ordenador público, tener cuidado con cerrar sesión.
  • Utilizar antivirus .
  • Controlar el uso de Internet de los menores de edad.