Hi! My name is Carlos and this blog post is intended to introduce me and talk about myself and my likes. First of all, I’m studying Biomedic Engeenering and I decided for this career because I like engeenering and everything related to it, also because I wanted to become a medic so why wouldn’t  I do both? I have my concerns about this career and how it might affect my future, so I decided to take the firsts semesters as a test to determine if I really would like to live by doing this. My heroes are my parents and family who always supported me and aided me when necessary. Regarding sports, I play soccer during my free time. Finally, my favorite author is Julio Cortazar because he has a complex, and interesting, way of presenting a story and filling it with strange characters and situations. This is a glimpse of who I am and what I like. I have high expectations of this flipped class and I will do my best to succeed.    

CC BY 4.0 About Me #WSQ04 by Carlos Gallegos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.