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Yup, i just did that…

Hey there, it’s me, Choza, this blog post will be about my opinion concerning “Flipped Classroom“.

I just watched a video that teacher Ken shared in his page, it was quite intersting, it shows the idea of changing the “meta” of teaching a class, flipped learning is literaly flipping the ideals between a teacher lecturing in the classroom and students doing “homework” at their home, now, the students make actual practice of their knowledge in the classroom while the teacher is there to answer questions, and/or teach something that remained undefined or half-way there.

A little detail i observed in this new technique is that, sometimes, the teacher slacks off and just leave the group unattended OR makes the group dependable on watching videos on Youtube and won’t verbally explain a thing, this is based on an experience i had in Cbtis 45° back in highschool with my C++ teacher, the whole semester was awful and we learned close to none.

When the teacher is actually capable of pulling this off, this is a good idea, it might have a lot of potential, and it may be a good idea to try this on the Campus.

See ya.

Le Lenny Face

CC BY 4.0 #WSQ02 by chozacastro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.