That book really works!

I literally know nothing (i´m feeling like Jon Snow from Game of Thrones) about programming with NotePad++ and Cygwin.


But the book that Ken suggest us is really useful, the book is called “How to think like a computer scientist”  written by Allen B. Downey (god bless you, good men) and with only two chapters give me the necessary to complete this task.

A friend called Mike say to me that he learn a lot with this book and know I will have no doubt of this.

Yes, I skipped one WSQ but that´s because i found more interesting this WSQ than the other.

Here is one image of my code:


And here is the link to the book:

“How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, C++ Version”, Downey, Allen B. 2012.

Also here is a link to GitHub were you can see my code:

You must see something like this, if you´re new like me, you can see it better clicking one of the two buttons that are marked in color red


CC BY 4.0 Fun with numbers #WSQ03 by ranaorozco2 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.