Mastery 08 – The Zen of Python

Here’s the Zen of Python running inside my shell.


Mastery 09 – Basic type and their use in Python

Python has 6 different basic types of data. They are:

  1. Integers
    These are numbers that belong to all the real numbers.
  2. Floating point numbers
    These are all the real numbers that use decimals.
  3. Strings
    These are a set of letters, numbers or any other character. They are inbetween quotation marks (“”).
  4. Tuples
    This is an ordered set of  values with fixed number of elements, goes inbetween parentheses.
  5. Lists
    This is an ordered set of values without fixed number of elements, goes inbetween brackets.Capture
  6. Dictionaries
    This is a type with different elements, used to map keys to their assigned values. They keys and values can be of any type.

CC BY 4.0 Mastery 08 & 09 by davidg2897 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.