I’m having a lot of troubles with this, specially because i have not time enough. This will be a reminder to myself that i should never let things to the last minute.

The code i wrote is this, and i still cant find the problem. Still i hope i’ll find out with Ken what my problem is so i can come back and fix the entry.

#Jorge Fernando Saldaña Cabal

def main():
def dot_product(a,b):
print(‘Lest get the dot product of two lists.’)
num = input(‘Enter number(s), use “,” to separate them: ‘).split(‘,’)
return [int(n) for n in num]
num2 = input(‘Enter number(s), use “,” to separate them: ‘).split(‘,’)
return [int(j) for j in num2]

if (len(num) > len(num2)):
big = num
big = num2

res = 0
for i in range(len(big)):
t = num[i] * num2[i]
res = res + t

I’m getting a sintax error in ‘    return [int(n) for n in num]’

I’ll come back and fix this.

CC BY 4.0 Quiz08 by fersabal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.