
For this task we had to create a programm that allows the user to enter a number, it could be floating-point, which represents a temperature measured in farenheit degrees. The the computer will “translate” that meausure to Celisius degrees. The way to do this is with a simple equation which is :

C = (5 ∗ (F − 32))/9.

Where C is equal to Celsius and F to Farenheit. The way to do this is solving first the parenthesis whose are depeer. In this case we must solve first “F-39”, then multiply the result times “5” and at the end divide all of it over “9” and we will have converted from Farenheit to Celsius.

The way to get this done is give the programm the correct order in which the operations  must be done.

The code i wrote is:

#Jorge Fernando Saldaña Cabal

print(“Whats up! I’m going to help you to convert from Farenheit to Celcius”)
F = float(input(‘Please introduce a temperature in Farenheit degrees: ‘))
C = (F – 32.0)
C = (C * 5.0)
C = (C / 9)
print ()
print(F, ‘ Farenheit degrees is equal to: ‘, C, ‘ Celcius degrees’)
if (C < 100):
print(“Water at”, C, “Celcius degrees does not boil”)
print(“under typical conditions”)
print(“Water at”, C, “Celcius degrees would boil under typical conditions”)

CC BY 4.0 Temperature by fersabal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.