I am Maria Fernanda Zapata Magdaleno, I am studying Biomedical engineering because first I was willing to study medecine but I also really like the maths, so after thinking about it, I decided that this career was just perfect for my desires.

I am really positive in the decision I have made, I know it wont be easy but I’ll be succesful if I really like what I do.

My principal Hero is my dad, he is awesome. He’s a very intelligent man, that always do the best of him to protect his family and give us all what we need. My dad is responsible and respectful, he works hard to achieve his goals that’s why I love him and I admire him.

My favorite hobby is volleyball, I practice it since I was 11 years old, and I think that is the most awesome sport. I have been in many tournaments and I have had many good experiences playing it.

I dont have a favorite author but I like reading about Dan Brown and Paulo Coelho, even both write very different I love both.

volley 1

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