Author Archives: Asa Puls

Mastery 14

For Mastery 14, you must create use your own c++ libraries. Although this may seem complicated at first it is as easy as calling another function within a program. The onlly difference is that instead of calling a function within the same program, you create the functions in a seperate file (library) and call it simply by using a file header. 

Once entering the informationinto the seperate library you an name it anything but it must have a 


after the name. You can see this in my code below.

To call the library and include it in your program you must simply include a file header at the beginning of the code.

For example:

     #include “library.h”

or in my code below:

     #include “wsq8funcs.h”


I have completed the 11th WSQ!! Here is a link to the code via GitHub: WSQ11

I have also included pictures of my code

Mastery 25

Here is code showing the use of a string function in C++

Finished WSQ10

Here is a link to my code for WSQ10 via GitHub using Arrays: Arrays

I have also included a picture of my code showing the outcome of the code


Here is my code for the 12th WSQ regarding the Greatest Common Denominator via Github


Here is my code for the 13th WSQ regarding the Babylonian Method via Github

Finally Finished WSQ10

I have completed the WSQ in two ways: Here are my codes via Gthub: Vectors  Arrays

I have also included pictures of my code showing the same outcome for both codes

Doing Class Work Ahead Of Time

This is a program for the 9th WSQ. It contains some comments explaining why i added those lines of code or what the function does.

Creating C++ Files

Use of else With a Conditional

The use of else is a continuation of the idea of the conditional if statement. The if statement tells the compiler to do a certain thing only if it is in the conditions given. But the else statement used with a condition is telling the compiler that if the conditions of the if statement are not met then do this


          cout << “Insert Text Here”;

or whatever you want the functionto do. The else statement is another very helpful tool when trying to use conditions in a program.