Tag Archives: #WSQ02

WSQ 02


Flipped Learning

Este método de aprendizaje me parece en parte bueno ya que, el estudiante es el único que determina que tanto debe o necesita aprender respecto al curso que lleve, y la verdad es que a estas alturas uno ya debería de buscar por sus propios medios los conocimiento que requiera sobre determinadas materias o cursos, además de que el profesor está ah{i proporcionandote medios para poder mejorar tu desempeño o tambié ayudandote, en aquellas dudas que tengas.

Sin embargo lo malo de este método es que de ser que haya alumnos que de plano no quieran aprender de esta manera no podrán progresar de la misma manera que el resto. No estoy diciendo que les sea imposible pero quizas estan mas acostumbrados al método “old school” en el que el profesor los ponía a prueba y les ensañaba lo necesario para los trabajos. 


Buscando encontre este video muy interesate qeu explica brevemente y muy bien lo que es basicamente el Flipping learning en el salon! me parecio interesante y queria compartirlo! 

pienso que esta manera de estudio es mas interesante que la tradicional porque puedes relacionarte, ser parte de algo y participar activamente en las actividades. 

Flip Learninig es una buena manera de aprender y me agrada la manera en que lo aplicamos en la clase. 

Aqui dejo el link del video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQWvc6qhTds


flipped learning

no soy muy bueno en ingles, pero aqui esta y pues la vdd creo que si es bueno pero a la vez malo ya que muchas veces los alumnos se les olvida leer u olvidan ahcer los trabajos pero eso les ayuda a ser mas responsables y asi 


I think that “flipped learning” is a good method of teaching, because not only  the student becomes more independent, but he can learn something from this and apply it in other classes.

I think this method works with a good guidance from the teacher.


#WSQ02 Flipped learning

Flipped learning. Honestly I’m not in love with flipped learning, but I kinda understand the concept. I rather teachers to tell me what I gotta do, and then practice with that. I gotta mention that sometimes also is cool learning by yourself, but others I get so freaking lost that I don’t know what I’m doing. 

Not everything we code will be always right… we gotta try and practice different ways to do things <3


is good this method of learning, because this way the student is challenged to learn the topics by its own. so when is the class time, the proffesor is just focused in helping the student with problems of the previous reading. i like the flipped learning

#WSQ02 flipped learning


I like this method to teach, because there are very much classes that need this method because they are very bored, so if the student are bordered not learn anything, so this method make the class more interesting and the students get more info because they are less distracted in something that avoid they get sleep.


i find this video about the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdd_Dr7QUQ4

#WSQ02 flipped learning

#WSQ02 flipped learning


I like this method to teach, because there are very much classes that need this method because they are very bored, so if the student are bordered not learn anything, so this method make the class more interesting and the students get more info because they are less distracted in something that avoid they get sleep.


i find this video about the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdd_Dr7QUQ4

#WSQ02 flipped learning

Flipping Classroom

Personalmente me gusta este sistema, creo que es mejor que uno tradicional porque puedes ir a tu propio ritmo y hacer las actividades que desees sin algún órden específico. Por ejemplo, si te atoras en una, puedes continuar con otra en vez de atrasarte en todo. 

Encontré un video con pingüinos!! 😀


Flipped Learning #WSQ02 #TC1014

Flipped Learning


Flipped Learning, as it’s name says, is the contradictory part of the ordinary learning system (Teacher – Student). Flipped Learning consist in giving the student a little guide for the learning topics for their course, giving them the materials (Books, links, etc.) and letting them learn as fast as they want. It’s is like letting the student discover by their own the subjects they need to learn.

Personaly, I think that this is a better way to learn, first of all, I don’t feel the preasure as I feel in other classes, another thing that I found interesting during my first parcial, I read the book and tried to do the things by my own, they didn’t go well at first but while practicing I learned a lot by trial and error, which helped me a lot, also, I feel like I have more time to do my things and do my homework at weeked, in conclusion, I really like the new Flipped learning system, Pretty nice/cool. 🙂

Antonio Yosefat Juárez Quintero
