Tag Archives: #333333


mi video fue suvido antes de las 12 de la noche 




Use of loops with “for”

This loop allows you to repeat a code n number of times. 


Where the a in “for a in range(x)” is a random character, you can put a string if you want.

20 1014

Data analysis with tools (to be determined which tool) #TC1017 #Mastery29

Data analysis with tools (to be determined which tool)  1017 29

The development of a comprehensive computer application should be performed by a number of common steps to all the methodologies. In these steps it is called the life cycle of an application. This cycle consists of six basic steps: analysis, design, coding, implementation, testing and maintenance.

The analysis examines the requirements that must meet the application. The result of the analysis is a specification sheet on which the application requirements appear. This sheet is drawn up by the person responsible for the process of creating the application. If you are creating simple algorithms or programs, the analysis is to assess these three basic steps:

Determining your inputs. That is, the data has to start the program execution. These data provide the result.

Determine the exits. That is, the data obtained as a result algorithm. What the algorithm returns the user.

Determining the process. Studied what the process is to be performed.

If you perform these steps before you start coding regardless of the language you use, you’re going to make quality programs and you will eliminate many errors that can arise if you analyze the program and the requirements they ask the program.




Nesting of conditional statements

If you want to check a condition after a previous condition that was true, then you might want to use nested statements.



In a nested if construct, you can have an if…elif…else construct inside another if…elif…else construct. The syntax of the nested if…elif…else construct may be:

18 1014

Mastery30:: Visualization of data with tools


El sistema de datos por herramientas es un software libre, libremente disponible para la realización de gráficos 3D por computadora, procesamiento de imagen y visualización. VTK consiste en una biblioteca de clases de C++ y varias capas de interfaz interpretadas como Tcl/Tk, Java, y Python.


“The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, cross-platform, software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Originally written as companion software to the textbook The Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics by Will Schroeder, Ken Martin, and Bill Lorensen, VTK provided the motivation to found Kitware.

From initial development in 1993, VTK has grown to be the premier visualization system today through the support and dedication of a global community. Much of this work has stemmed from Kitware, recently including a transition to using Git and Gerrit for distributed version control; the addition of pointer classes to facilitate pointer management; enhancement of the VTK pipeline to suit AMR; improvements to the plotting and charting capabilities in VTK; and general toolkit maintenance.”(http://www.kitware.com/opensource/vtk.html)




Use of loops with “while”

19 1014


Use of “elif” with a conditional

17 1014


Use of “else” with a conditional

16 1014

Mastery29:: Data analysis with tools


There are some cases where we create a function in our program destined to receive an special type of value. Here is where we want to ensure that the user enters the correct value and not any other type that will cause our program to crash, thats why we validate the user input by using some tools that I will show you.



El análisis estudia los requisitos que debe de cumplir la aplicación. El resultado del análisis es una hoja de especificaciones en la que aparecen los requerimientos de la aplicación. Esta hoja es redactado por la persona responsable del proceso de creación de la aplicación. Si estás creando algoritmos o programas sencillos, el análisis consistirá en evaluar estos tres pasos fundamentales:

  • Determinar las entradas. Es decir, los datos que posee el programa al comenzar su ejecución. Esos datos permiten obtener el resultado.
  • Determinar las salidas. Es decir, los datos que obtiene el algoritmo como resultado. Lo que el algoritmo devuelve al usuario.
  • Determinar el proceso. Se estudia cuál es el proceso que hay que realizar.

Si realizas estos pasos antes de comenzar a escribir código independientemente del lenguaje que uses, vas a realizar programas de calidad y vas a eliminar muchos errores que te pueden surgir si no analizas el programa y los requisitos que te piden del programa.”(http://aprendecpp.com/blog/programacion-en-c-el-analisis.html#more-118


Use of the conditional “if”

15 1014