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#Mastery10 Courses with Ken

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#Mastery10 Courses with Ken

#Mastery10 Courses with Ken

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#Mastery10 Courses with Ken

Output e Input

Aqui esta un tutorial para que puedan aprender a usar las funciones basicas de cout y tambien cin. Completamente en español y explicado para Ubuntu.

Aqui esta el link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtvGQlgbqBA



Input and output in C++

Now this video is for 10 I have a post of this already, but as always a video is a better learning tool for some people.

Here’s the link =)




10 10

Here i will explain you how to do basic output and input text based in C++.

To output something is really simple. in every output you always will have to put ”

An example to output text you will put upper commas:


An example to output a function you will do this:


If you want to put some text and a function is:


If you want to put end the line after whatever you print put this.


Here is everything together:



To input something the first thing you want to do is to declare the variable were you want to save the input.

If is an int variable just put   int n1;

If is a string  name; (You will have to include the string library)

If is a boolean  bool n1;

And etc.

After you now this the syntax to an input is:

cin >> ;

Let´s say you will save a number which is variable is n1.

cin >> n1;


That is basically everything to know about input and output in c++.

Hope you understand so i can  get my 2 points!



Basic output (printing) and input (text based) in C++ – Mastery10

Output e Input en c++ 

El output esta compuesto por la siguiente formula: 

cout el texto que deseamos imprimir ”  endl;

Este ejemplo lo podemos notar en la imagen de arriba. 
Al correr el programa imprime el texto entre los parentesis.

Debemos tener en cuenta que el texto siempre va entre comillas y al final del endl debemos poner punto y coma.


Para realizar el input debemos crar variables donde se guarde el valor entrante. Podemos resumirlo con la siguiente formula:

int (nombre de la variable);

cin >> (nombre de la variable); 

 Como podemos observarlo en la imagen superior.


1017 10

Mastery 10

Uso de output e input en c++

primeramente explicare el uso de las output que para mi son las mas faciles ya que no se necesitan a fuerza variables.

el output esta principalmente compuesto por el cout, lo que quieres imprimir y el endl.

Los outputs se ingresan con el comando “cout” seguido de los simbolos

Los inputs se ingresan con el comando “cin” seguido de los simbolos >> lo cual significa datos de entrada al programa.

10 1017

Living a new life 2015-05-04 02:12:04

Basic output (print) in Python

I made a very basic program in Python that prints a string and a number.

“Print” is the most basic functions in phyton and is used to show anything you want in the console. For using it, it has some rules that must be followed, for example,after print always goes a parenthesis(), inside can bet integers, strings, and also text but the text has to be inside quotation marks “” for example: