Author Archives: Carolina Romo



Ready!! i finally finish here’s the link:

Corrections of Quiz 09

Finally finish my work in the corrections of the exams 

ps… sorry for the delay it was quite difficult to me !! 

Here are the links:

Question 1 (Triangles):

Question 2 (Superpower):

Question 3 (Fibonacci):

Question 4 (Palindrome):


WSQ14 Euler

i made it with carlos in class and it was quite fun ..

Here is the link of my code :

And the screen of my running program is :

WSQ13 Babylonian Method

BM! Not that Difficult!

Here is my Github code:

And the Screen Caption of the running program :


Greatest common Divisor  

Here is the link of my code :

And the screen of my running program!

WSQ11 Yo soy 196!

Wow this may be the hardest program i made and im not sure if its okay i didnt understand it at all. I hope its okay

Here is the Link of my code:


WSQ10 Lists

Here is my code for the

and the screen of the running program…

WSQ09 Factorial

Here is the link of my code!

and the screen of the running program:

Here starts my second partial works!!!! :)

Here starts my second partial works!!!! 🙂