Author Archives: Juan Carlos


This wasn´t actually very difficult to write, the tricky part is how tu understand the babylonian method work, and didn´t got it by reading, i searched in google how to make it in c++ and i saw a lot of codes, this one is how i got to do it and it is shorter than most of them and pretty clear, that´s how i understand it.

Here´s my dropbox link cause my github doesn´t work on my laptop.



This actually i already had it done because of  the quiz we did but making a program that gives you the greates common divisor in c++ is pretty easy, you just got to know well what a greates common divisor is, understand it, and how to use loops and conditionals.

My link to dropbox cause my github isn´t working in my computer.



This was a tricky wsq,  maybe the most difficult i have made (i still haven´t done the palindrome because i still haven´t got it), the point in this wsq is knowing how to do the lists and you have to have the arrays very clear, i you don´t have them you won´t be able to make this wsq.

Here is my link to dropbox because i can´t make the github work in my laptop.


This WSQ at the begining it was kind of confusing but once i understand it it was pretty easy.

Here I will leave you my link to dropbox because i can´t make my github to work on my computer, i hope you enjoy it!



My video explaining

Hope you lear from it!



A link to my video explaining the

Hope you enjoy it!


Here is the link to my video explaining .

Sorry because in the begining I say mastery23, is !


Here is the link to my video where i explain the use of recursive repetitive programs.

Hope you learn from it.