Author Archives: Monse Sanchez




Perdón compañeros en el video menciono que es el MAstery02 pero en realidad es el mastery10!! 🙂 error verbal jijijij






Ready !! I finish the WQS06, in this work the random function , which is what allows you to find a random number is used if you want to locate an a number between certain amount must be specified in the function we were asking random eg values ​​between 0 and 100, function type 100 + 1 because it would be 0 and 99


Ok peoplee!! I finally finished this WSQ , I must admit I had some doubts at first but after understanding in cycles consisting and asiganar values ​, I did !!


Hello people!! Ok in this mastery I use “//” for write my coments about the program, it´s easy and fun! 🙂


ok friends! i did this mastery and i learned when use else in your bookstore you should include “int main (void)” 🙂



ok people, i did this mastery! Basically what I did was search the internet for this program if needed some change bookstore or something special , but it is not only used if the condition and use my imagination to create the program ,

I worked the first time !

Here I leave the link to the blog that you use to clear my doubts