Author Archives: rohdzaimar

Bonus Point


Aquí un video (en español) acerca del Flipped Learning y la clase de Ken Bauer



Da click aquí para ver el video.



Bonus Quiz

ECOS are very important to improve the quality of our teachers and lecturers in campus. Go ahead an complete yours at: 


Here´s how it should look like when finished




Quiz #9

I uploaded to gitHub all my answers to partial Exam. As usual, I read about the tools I was going to need for the partial in, you could find this site intersesting and useful.


Here´s a link for my Quiz code on gitHub.




Final Dash


Our c++ course is ending and here is what i will do to complete all my tasks before the semester is over.


First, i need to get my Ensamble things done. I have rehearsals the whole next week and I will not have much time to hang out in school. but i will upload some advances to the github repository.

The week after that i´ll work on my masteries to finish everything up.



Euler constant – WSQ14


The e constant is given by: sum [0, inf] of { 1/n! }. This number is generally fixed to 2.72. This program calculates this infite series and prints it with a desired number of decimal values.


Here´s the link for my gitHub code.


Let me know if you have any questions.




Yo soy 196 – WSQ11

Okay, was a pretty big deal these past weeks; but when i really got into it, I realized it wasn´t that tricky at all. Yo soy 196 summarizes what we have been learning about functions, and really gets yourself to really work on proper functions. Use my code if you need to. I took Asa Puls´s code as reference for my program, although I do like to do somethings my way. 

Here´s the link to my code on gitHub. I´ll also add a couple pictures of the program running.





#Mastery24 – Arrays

#Mastery21 – Recursion (Fibonacci Secuence)

#Mastery20 – For Loops

#Mastery19 – While loops