Tag Archives: #mastery18

Condicionales anidadas

Cuando tenemos 2 o mas opciones de respuesta se usan las condicionales anidadas por la rama de verdadero o falso.

Aqui les dejo una pagina de internet donde encontre todo relacionado a las condiciones anidadas


Mastery18 – Nesting of conditional statements

nesting is when you put conditionals inside other ones to check another condition. 

if something:


            if something2:




there is an if and else conditionals inside the initial if.



Nesting of conditonal statements

I made a Python program with a basic nesting of conditional statements. Check it out.

Nesting is about having an if statement within another if statement where the second if statement depends on wether the first if statement is true or not. Then, with the second if statement comes an else, where you define what you want the program to do if the second if statement is false. Here’s a very simple and easy example of nesting. 馃檪


https://github.com/ppr580/TC1017/blob/master/mastery18.cpp #Mastery18 was submitted through GitHub! #TC1017, this isn’t in ++Adventures.

https://github.com/ppr580/TC1017/blob/master/mastery18.cpp was submitted through GitHub! , this isn't in ++Adventures.

#mastery18 Nesting of conditional statements

Sometimes when you are programming you want to check another condition  if the first condition you made is true.

This is a lazy example i did to show how to nest conditionals:

This program just compares the number that the user gives to the numer 10.



#TC1017 #Mastery18 Nesting of conditional statements

 Nesting of conditional statements

If inside other IF

  1. If If
  2. If else 

My video 馃榾


Nesting of conditional statements #Mastery18

Here’s a quick video explaining the basics of nesting conditions in Python:



Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Learn To Program 2015-04-07 22:17:00


Las condicionales anidadas son una estructura de control de datos y flujo de programa que ejecuta porciones de programa mientras una condicion sea verdadera y tiene la capacidad de entrara a otra condicion y evaluarla.

Anidamiento de instrucciones if
if (Condici贸n1):
    if (Condici贸nA):
        if (Condici贸nZ):
            if (Condici贸n9):

Mi video:
Programa hecho en Python:

Learn To Program 2015-04-07 22:17:00


Las condicionales anidadas son una estructura de control de datos y flujo de programa que ejecuta porciones de programa mientras una condicion sea verdadera y tiene la capacidad de entrara a otra condicion y evaluarla.

Anidamiento de instrucciones if
if (Condici贸n1):
    if (Condici贸nA):
        if (Condici贸nZ):
            if (Condici贸n9):

Mi video:
Programa hecho en Python: