Tag Archives: #Mastery20

Mastery 20

Mastery 20

#mastery20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2iJ5cBuLZo

Use of loops with “FOR”

Hize una presentacion de PDF, explicando la funcion de FOR 

Aqui les dejo el link: http://www.slideshare.net/patriciavaldez39/mastery-20

espero que les sirva 

M19 – Use of loops with “while” || M20 – Use of loops with “for”

Hey everybody! In this video I uploaded two similar masteries: Loops while and for.

I hope you enjoy it!


Use of loops with “for”

I created a Python program with a basic “for” loop.

Loops can be created with while and for making loops with forFor loops are traditionally used when you have a piece of code which you want to repeat n number of times If you’ve done any programming before, there’s no doubt you’ve come across a for loop or an equivalent to it. In Python, they work a little differently. Basically, any object with an iterable method can be used in a for loop in Python. Even strings, despite not having an iterable method – but we’ll not get on to that here. Having an iterable method basically means that the data can be presented in list form, where there’s multiple values in an orderly fashion. You can define your own iterables by creating an object with next() and iter() methods. This means that you’ll rarely be dealing with raw numbers when it comes to for loops in Python – great for just about anyone!.

source: wiki.python.org

#mastery20 Use of loops with “for”

“i” is the variable that is often used in “for” loops (an iterative loop which means you keep doing something over and over again

For each of the numbers or the things in the range make “i” refer to them and each of those loops is going to refer to each one of those numbers or things

What this program does is that it assigns “i” to every element in that range without including the last number (10)

#TC1017 #Mastery20 FOR


for (counter =0 ; condition ; increase or dicrease in the counter )


/* code */


for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)


/* code */






For loop C++ (Mastery 20)

Here is my tutorial video on Mastery 20:


Use of loops with “for” #Mastery20

Here’s another video I made about the use of For loops in Python:



Oscar Ricardo López López A01229116

Mastery 20

hi there, this is my second video, again is a simple code explaining how does it work a for loop

here is the link for the code in github:


the link for the video tutorial:
