Tag Archives: #mastery28

Mastery 28

Mastery 28

mastery 28


here is the youtube link to mastery 28: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2EqFB5OYjs&feature=youtu.be&hd=1

Sometimes reading files is really important because you may find a problem in which you need to open a text file in order to gather information about something and then use it in your c++ code. For that, it is really important to learn how to open and read files. 

#TC1017 #mastery28: Reading and writing files

So, I created another PDF tutorial. This time, I explained how to open files, read them, write them and close them. This is really useful for many purposes when you need to manipulate external information. I got help from the text book, my previous quizzes and WSQs, and of course, from Ken. Here’s the link:


Hope you find it useful and helpful!

#Mastery28 #TC1017


Reading and writing of files in C++

Muchas veces se nos deja crear un programa que tome archivos externos. Para ello existen formas en c++ les dejo un tutorial para que puedan aprender a como leer archivos de text. 



#mastery28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9jWO_F5Px4

#Mastery28 https://youtu.be/Be6mfS-w4i0

Reading and writing of files in C++

Reading and writing of files in C++

Reading and writing of files in C++

To open o create a file in C++, first you must be sure to add the proper library which is , as you can see, in my example the first command in main is “ofstream file”, that’s to create a file inside your program. Later I name it as Hello.txt, and in there you can put in whatever you want, I just typed in a line that said “Hello dudes”, and that text file will remain with that line unless I erase it. After that you just close your file.

User input (text based) in Python (basic)


An user input is to give values to the variables, this inputs are in the programs that need the user to interact with it, asking numbers to do operations or actios, to do this you have to type the variable you are going to give a value like this x=, then you have to use the comand input followed by parenthesis and in the middle of this any phrase to request the user to type a value. Example: x=input(“Ingresa un valor”)

Mastery 28

Hello people:

For my ,astery 28 I created a PDF tutorial in which I show three small examples on how to read from a file and write on a file in c++. I hope you find it useful.

Here’s the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5CZIHLkZcDzUUFOQXVGeDRPZlk/view?usp=sharin

Learn To Program 2015-04-24 18:18:00


En Python solamente puedo ingresar tres tipos de datos a través de la instrucción “input”:

  • Para datos enteros: Variable=int(input(“Texto”))
  • Para datos decimales: Variable=float(input(“Texto”))
  • Para caracteres: Variable=input(“Texto”)

Mancionar que la seccion (“Texto”) es opcional, para que en pantalla el usuario se de cuenta de que información se está ingresando.

Programa hecho en Python: